Birthdays at Camp
We love celebrating birthdays at Camp!
Cabin counselors always make birthdays special. They may create a crown for the birthday girl to wear, paint a special banner, or throw a surprise “party” in the cabin.
The birthday girl is presented with a cake at lunch, and all of Camp sings her best wishes. She may choose several girls to share her cake with (usually her cabin mates and a few special friends), and those campers get to stay after lunch to enjoy birthday cake around the table.
If for some reason a camper is not in the Dining Hall for lunch on the day of her birthday (e.g. if she is on an out-of-camp trip), then she will be presented with a cake at the next meal.

During store on the afternoon of her birthday, the birthday girl may stop by the Program Office to open her gift. You may want to drop this gift off on Opening Day (as most parents choose to do), or you may ship it to Camp care of Phil Hurt. Please indicate somewhere on the outside of the package that it is a birthday gift – that way we will know to keep your camper’s gift a surprise!
Although birthdays are special days that are celebrated fully at Camp, our package policies still apply. No camper may receive any food, candy, or chewing gum in her birthday package, and no birthday girl may call home. We celebrate birthdays in many fun ways, but in the interest of protecting each girl’s camp experience, we do not bend the rules on birthdays. Thanks for understanding – you can save the sweet treats and bigger birthday gifts to give her when she comes home!