Family Camp
October 11-13, 2024

$300 per adult (18+)
$200 per child

Sign Up!

Family Camp is just what it sounds like – Camp fun for the whole family!

We welcome families of all sorts. Aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, grandparents, godparents, family friends – anyone who wants to share Camp with people they love is welcome to join us! This retreat is for children school-age (entering kindergarten) and older.

Family Camp is a great way for parents who are interested in sending a child to Camp DeSoto to give her a taste of Camp and try it out for themselves. Its also a fun chance for DeSoto campers (current campers or grown-up girls!) to share what they love about Camp with their entire family.

Are you a Camp DeSoto girl who only has sons? Bring them to family camp to show them just what it is you loved as a little girl! Have you never been to Camp before, but want to enjoy a fun family weekend, planned and facilitated by someone else? Come on!

You can expect to connect with other families, enjoy Camp activities together, go at a slower pace, eat delicious food from the Farm at Windy Hill, and participate in some of Camp DeSoto’s most beloved traditions.

Each family is assigned a cabin for the weekend, or you can request to be with friends who are also coming. (It is always fun when several moms bring their daughters and enjoy the weekend as a crew of friends!) Some cabins have a toilet in the cabin, and bathrooms and showers around Camp are designated for boys or girls.

The schedule for the weekend closely follows our summer rhythms, so you get a feel for what Camp days are like.

You can choose from lots of fun activities, including Horseback Riding, Swimming, Canoeing, Ropes Course, Hiking, Tennis, Climbing, Creative Writing, Crafts, Nature, Biking, Fishing, Archery, and more. At the end of a full day, your family will be lulled to sleep by the sound of crickets and frogs and mountain breezes.

Friday Night

  • Supper
  • Night Activity
  • All-Camp Devotion


  • Morning Watch
  • Breakfast
  • Morning Activities
  • Lunch
  • Rest Hour
  • Store
  • Afternoon Activities
  • Supper
  • Night Activitiy
  • All-Camp Devotion

Sunday Morning

  • Sunday Worship
  • Breakfast
  • Morning Activities
  • Lunch and Goodbyes
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Family Camp is a fun-filled family weekend of fellowship, play,
the beauty of the mountain, and the simplicity of camp.