The Camp Photographers stay busy trying to capture all the fun that is happening around Camp! Photos are posted daily (except Sundays) to give parents a glimpse of what girls are up to. Check back often to see the latest!
Click the link above the access the Camp DeSoto photo gallery. You will need a password to login. If you would like to request access, send us an email! We’d love for everyone from Camp parents to alumni to see the fun - we just want to be sure to protect camper privacy.
Protecting the Camp Experience
Daily photos are a great way for parents to see what is happening at Camp, and they provide the chance for girls to preserve their memories after the summer ends. While girls are at Camp, however, we’d like them to be able to focus on and enjoy the present moment, without so much awareness of how the moment will be preserved in photos. For this reason, we do not allow campers to bring their own cameras to Camp.
Having Camp Photographers makes it possible for us to capture the highlights of Camp while still providing girls an opportunity to be present. We are grateful for the work the photographers do, and we hope you’ll enjoy the images they capture!