Getting Ready for Camp

Wondering what is on your pre-Camp checklist? Find it all here!


Log in to your parent account and click on “Forms and Documents” to fill out all your camper’s forms for the summer!

All forms for Junior Term are due by May 1st, and First and Second term forms are due by June 1st.

Log In to CampinTouch


Although we do not make any guarantees, we usually are able to accommodate at least one cabin request for each camper.

Log in to your parent account and click on “Forms and Documents” to fill out the “Bunk Request” form!

Cabin requests are due by May 1st.

Log In to CampinTouch


Check out our Packing List that you can save, print, and markup!

Packing List


Our online store is always open! Shop for Camp DeSoto t-shirts, water bottles, Crazy Creeks, and many other fun items!

Want to have your items waiting in your camper’s cabin? Please select “Pickup in Store” under Shipping Options!

Shop Now


Junior Term: 8 – 10 AM on Saturday, May 24th.

First Term: 1 – 3 PM on Saturday, May 31st.

Second Term: 1 – 3 PM on Saturday, June 28th.


There will be plenty of staff on hand to assist you and answer any questions you may have, and these are the “stations” you can expect!

– Welcome, Camp Map, and Information

– Luggage Drop-Off

– Parking

– Health Screening

– Meet the Counselors & Move In

– Medicine Drop-Off

– Tying Up Loose Ends

For more details, visit our Parent Handbook!

Parent Handbook


If you are driving to Camp, our address is 264 Highway Above the Clouds, Mentone, AL 35984. Apple Maps or Google Maps will give you clear and correct directions.

If your camper is flying to Camp alone, we no longer offer airport shuttles on Opening or Closing Day. However, send us an email, and we can try and help you connect with a former camp staff member to be her airport driver!

Contact Us


If you are planning to ship your camper’s trunk or duffel bag to or from Camp, please use Ship Camps to schedule your shipment online!

Ship Camps


Junior Term: 8 – 10 AM on Thursday, May 29.

First Term: 8 – 10 AM on Wednesday, June 25.

Second Term: 8 – 10 AM on Wednesday, July 23rd.


You’ll be directed to a designated parking area, and once parked, you can go and greet your camper at her cabin!

Some parents like to come early to listen to the girls sing in the Dining Hall and greet their camper right after breakfast. If you’d like to do that, you’ll want to get to Camp around 7:30!

Have more questions? Check out the Parent Handbook, call the Camp office, or email us!