While She’s at Camp

Dropoff is done…now what?


We know how important it is for you to stay in touch with your daughter while she is away for the month! However, only flat, letter-size envelopes will be delivered to campers. Camp DeSoto has a strict no-package policy.

Mail sent through the USPS should be addressed as follows:
Camper Name – Cabin #
Camp DeSoto
P. O. Box 432
Mentone, AL 35984

For more information about international mail or shipping forgotten items, visit our Parent Handbook.

Parent Handbook


The Camp Photographer works hard to capture the fun that happens in each day at Camp! Photos are posted daily to give parents a glimpse of what girls are up to.

These photos are password protected to ensure camper privacy. Feel free to reach out to us if you have forgotten the password.

Camp Photos


The Camp DeSoto Health Center is always staffed by a doctor and two nurses throughout the summer to manage camper medicines and care for the Camp community!

All medicines, vitamins, and supplements are stored in and dispensed by the Camp Health Center.


Homesickness is a normal part of adjusting to Camp. Most campers will feel some degree of homesickness while they are away – for some it may be a few moments, for others a few days.

We have many helpful tips and resources available in our Parent Handbook on Homesickness, and you can always to find out how your daughter is doing.

Parent Handbook


Camp laundry is sent out once a week and returns within two days. Our laundry service uses industrial machines, and it is not as gentle or precise as your home laundry. Please send only sturdy camp clothes and only cotton or mesh laundry bags.

Please be mindful when packing that they cannot accommodate special fabric instructions like those recommended for dainty delicates or performance athletic wear.


We eat three hearty meals in the Camp Dining Hall each day, as well as morning and afternoon snacks.

We understand that some campers are learning to be brave eaters at Camp. The kitchen provides delicious, healthy options for girls to choose from, and we are always mindful of providing balanced nutrition alongside special treats!


We love celebrating birthdays! The birthday girl is presented with a cake at lunch, and all of Camp sings her best wishes. She may choose several girls to share her cake with, and those campers get to enjoy cake with her after lunch.

Birthday packages from parents will be delivered to campers at the camp store after Rest Hour on their birthday. You can leave birthday gifts at Camp on Opening Day, or you can ship them.

Have more questions? Check out the Parent Handbook, call the Camp office, or email us!