Today is Maundy Thursday, the day we remember the last meal Jesus shared with his disciples. It was at this meal that Jesus washed his disciples’ feet, broke bread, poured wine, and told his friends to prepare for things to change.
At the Last Supper, when Jesus was celebrating Passover with his disciples, they were enacting a ritual to acknowledge God’s faithfulness and claiming their faith that God delivers his people, frees them from slavery, and offers them a new life.
At the same time, the people around the table that night were facing some pretty scary times ahead. They trusted that deliverance would come, but first it was going to get pretty painful. They were going to feel like all was lost.
Thankfully, Jesus knew just what his disciples needed to hear, and he knows just what you and I need to hear. He gave his friends some important instructions:
We are moving toward the celebration of Easter. But before the tomb is empty on Sunday, we have to walk through the darkness, trusting God. And the only way we can do that is with love.
Love each other well, Camp DeSoto friends! Things might get scary and sad. But God delivers his people. Sunday is coming.