Camp DeSoto is a Christian summer camp for girls, ages 8-16, located on Lookout Mountain in Mentone, Alabama.

At Camp DeSoto girls are invited to experience the fun of summer camp as part of a nurturing Christian community. Through outdoor activities, new friends, loving counselors, worship, and play, Camp DeSoto provides girls with opportunities to learn new skills, enjoy the beauty of the outdoors, build lasting friendships, and develop a deeper understanding of God’s love.

Camp registration is now open! Want to know more? Learn more and Sign up today.

Learn more about Camp DeSoto - from the directors and staff to the history and traditions.

Interested in talking with a director about a staff position at Camp DeSoto? Submit an interest form and we’ll follow up soon! Or apply today on the Staff Application page.

There are so many things we want to give girls who camp at DeSoto.

We hope campers will play and have fun in the truest and best sense. We hope they will experience the give and take involved in working together for the good of the group, as well as the joy of daily tasks and daily play.

We want girls to know the safety of a loving environment. And, we want to offer them a place to succeed and to fail, knowing both are good teachers. We hope that time at Camp will help girls become better at responding to the difficult experiences that are an inevitable part of life.

We want girls to grow in their own independence, and to develop in their understanding and appreciation of who they are. We want girls to become aware of their gifts and sense the joy in giving them to the cabin or the community.

More than anything, we want girls camping at DeSoto to be confident of God’s love for them as individuals, and to personally respond to that love, embracing the truth that their whole lives are an act of worship, glorifying the Creator.

Camp Life

Mountain air, loving counselors, simple cabins, exciting activities, and best friends. A month at Camp DeSoto is rich and full.

Experience Life at Desoto